Showcasing The Local Area in Your Restaurant

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When you own a restaurant, a lot of your custom will come from the local area surrounding your premises. Aiming to be a pillar within your community can help boost your business, whilst also being a selling-point that will bring in customers from further afield. Here are some ways that you can showcase your local area within your restaurant.

Local Food

Serving local food is a great way of boosting the perception of your business within the nearby community. Locally sourced food is a great selling point for a restaurant – being something that many customers look out for when choosing where they would like to eat. You could partner with local suppliers to source ingredients that haven’t had to travel far to get to you.


The interior décor of your business could focus on the community where you’re based. Photo’s of local landmarks in appealing picture frames from Desenio would serve this purpose well, whilst also creating interesting focal points within your restaurant for customers to look at. You could even work with local artists to showcase their work in your restaurant, utilising the picture frames around your restaurant to display the work. Picture frames can be an affordable way of showcasing the local area effectively and appealing to customers far and wide.


Showcasing the local area is one thing, and it’s sure to bring people to your restaurant, but actively helping the community that hosts you is another. You could have fundraising opportunities for local groups and projects. One way of doing this is to theme a special dish after a local group or project, with the profits made from sales of that dish being donated to them.