Choosing a Location for Your New Restaurant

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Whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced restaurant owner, it is important to know the things to consider when selecting a location for your restaurant. A perfect location will make it more likely for your business to thrive long term. The tips below can guide you when selecting a spot for your restaurant.


Avoid setting up your restaurant on a side street with less traffic. Choose a spot that is clearly visible to all traffic patterns in order to make a kill out of your restaurants. For car traffic, ensure you are strategically located at a place where customers can easily pull in, park and grab a quick bite. But if your target customers are pedestrians, choose a place with a lot of traffic. The place should also be comfortable enough for customers to dive in at any time of the day.


Whether you are running a diner, restaurant, or a street café, having a good parking space is vital. Therefore, if you are buying or renting a spot for your restaurant location, make sure it is big enough to accommodate parking for your clients.

Space Size

The space that you buy or rent should be big enough to suit your restaurant requirements. Make sure your restaurant seats are well spaced for customers and waiters to move freely. The kitchen should also be properly spaced to avoid falls, trips, slips, and other workplace-related accidents.


Choose a location that can easily be accessed by customers. If your target customers are travelers driving on the highway, a location close to a highway exit would be perfect. Know the peak times depending on your exit and maximize them. A proper location should not limit other types of traffic to or from your restaurant.


If the rent of the place exceeds the profit that you will make by the end of the month, then the location isn’t feasible for you as an entrepreneur. The cost matters a lot although a killer location is worth risking if the place can bring in more on the table. Be careful not to be overcharged in case you’re buying the place.


OSHA reports indicate that common accidents like trips, slips, and falls account for 15% of deaths at the workplace, especially in restaurants. Proper safety measures like providing slip-resistant footwear for workers, installing flip resistant floors or having slip-resistant mats in the kitchen should be put in place. This will reduce accidents and save the company the cost of paying fines.